Friday, November 21, 2014

What Do Employees Really Think?

As many of my business professors would bluntly say, “employees suck.” Employees mostly seem to care less about their jobs and more about their free time. Well, that's at least what many employers may think. In Chapter 10 of “Measure What Matters,” it discusses the need for companies to understand how to better communicate with employees in order to engage and energize them.

It is clear, most employees now get their information about the organization from company blogs, text messaging, e-mail and social media. Yet, there still seems to be an issue when companies try to communicate with employees.

What’s the books solution to understanding the best way to communicate? You’ve guessed it… measurement. Measurement has once again proven to be extremely valuable. Measuring what employees think, say and do, will give the company results of the details of internal communication.

Even though employees might “suck,” there is no doubt they are not a crucial and viable part to a community. Understanding their thoughts helps a company take action and handle any situations instead of an employee releasing their thoughts on social media. Ultimately, companies should want their communication efforts to make employees more knowledgeable, more loyal, and more productive.

A company should not let an employee feel like they are withholding information from them or controlling them. It should be an honest and trustworthy relationship in order to thrive.

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