Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Take Time to Relax

It has come to the point in the semester where projects are piling up, midterm tests are being taken and the looming dread of finals are upon us.

For me, it becomes really hard to justify relaxing when I know I should be productive and not let my schoolwork pile up. If I do let it pile up, I will be really angry with myself and have crazy high stress levels.

After having days when I am nonstop from 8AM-10PM, I started to feel really tired and really sick. I started to realize I was more just staring at my computer and not really getting anything done.

That’s when I realized, I need to take time out of my day to just relax and not feel guilty about it. Whether that be sitting down with hot tea and a book or watching a few episodes of Gossip Girl. Those things seem trivial, but they actually have shown an improvement in my mood and in my productiveness.

Taking time to relax can be so hard for most of us, but it is extremely important to find a balance. Binge watching Netflix probably isn’t the best use of time, but a few episodes won’t hurt anything.

So, throughout the tough times for the rest of the semester, I pledge to take time to relax. Will you do the same?

Also, check out this website to help you relax! 

1 comment:

  1. Mariah, thank you so much for introducing me to this website! I am in love with it. I struggle to take time during my crazy busy days to relax too and it takes a tole on my health and even my grades. I find I am more productive if I take a short break every once and awhile to just relax. I think we get too caught up in the busy college lifestyle and forget to take time for ourselves.
