Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Price is Right with SPC

SPC Events are coming to a close with the end of the semester near. Though, some of my favorite events we have saved for last.

On Friday, we had The Price is Right, where we attempted to replicate the beloved TV. This year, we hosted the event in Snyder Recital Hall in Presser Hall, which seemed to be the perfect location. 

There were two rounds and three games per round. Students were called to “come on down” if their raffle ticket number was randomly drawn. Every round four more students were drawn, so many students had the opportunity of playing.

Some of the most popular Price is Right games were played, such as Cliffhanger, High and Low and Plinko. Though, we did not give away crazy prizes such as a car or a trip to Jamaica, we did give out great prizes such as Keuirg, food, movies and the top prize of a one night stay at the Ohio Northern University Inn. Also, we raffled off additional prizes and any student that made it onstage but did not win, received a SPC t-shirt because we did not want anyone to go home empty handed.

This event is always a lot of work to plan and execute and I am so proud of the group that accomplished this task. It was a great night of laughs, fun and great prizes.

 Dan (Freshman) as the host Bob Barker! 

Past president, current president (myself) and freshman member! 

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