Sunday, September 28, 2014

SPC Retreat

This weekend I had the opportunity of attending the SPC Retreat at Beulah Beach in Vermillion, Ohio. Not only did I have the opportunity to attend the retreat, but I was also able to plan the retreat with the help of my advisors and executive board.

There were three goals we hoped came out of the retreat

The first goal was to have all members get to know one another better, especially our new members. This year we accepted 14 members and many of them were able to attend the retreat. SPC thrives on an effective and successful team, so it was important for all members became comfortable with one another. Of course, much of this was achieved through conversation and hanging out, but we also had structured activities to help get to know one another. My favorite activity was passing a ball around which had facts written all over it. If you caught the ball you would introduce yourself and then read the fact your right thumb landed on. An example of a fact would be,” if you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?” I now know several facts about others I would have never known before and it helped facilitate conversation.

The second goal was to start planning our calendar of events for spring semester. We started with brainstorming events for each month of next semester. The ideas could be silly or dumb, but we tried to facilitate as much feedback as possible. After brainstorming, groups were asked to pick two items from a bucket. The items were strange things such as a tiara or a crocodile hate. Each group was asked to create a complete event based on their items. This activity was designed to foster creativity and to have the groups get a better understanding of planning an event, but it also produced many unique events.

Our third goal was to make sure everyone had fun! Beulah Beach is a retreat center on Lake Erie and there was opportunity to canoe, paddle boat, kayak, and explore the grounds. We were also able to zip line across the water and have a campfire complete with s’mores.

Overall, I think the SPC Retreat accomplished our three goals and allowed for productivity, but also many great memories!

1 comment:

  1. Mariah, first let me start off by telling you how absolute jealous I am that I did not get to go to this retreat. I was so upset when I found out the date because I knew it would be such a wonderful experience. Second I would like to say good job! The activities that were facilitated were so creative and it sounds like every goal was accomplished. Yay for a great SPC experience!
