Friday, September 26, 2014

The Future is Now

Changes in technology happen almost instantaneously. The changes happen so quickly and it is hard to even see how things have changed until years later.  Here are facts about technology, which are hard to believe.
  • The first iPhone was released in 2007
  • Twitter was created in 2006, but did not become popular until 2010
  • Instagram was released in 2010
  • Snapchat was released in 2010
  • The first text was sent in 1992, but wasn’t fully utilized by the general population until 2000 
It is astounding to believe many of these technologies have only been around for around 10 years or less and each of the programs has gone through many changes throughout its lifetime.

“Share This” by The Chartered Institute of Public Relations discusses in Chapter 22 the future of the web and PR through ‘Web 3.0.’ Web 3.0 is described as the web becoming a universal medium for the exchange of data, information and knowledge. In essence, the web not only includes and understands content, but also social interaction and communication to humans.

The author suggests PR people to harness Web 3.0 to gain access to information about behaviors and influence the web collects from humans. There is so much data offered on the web right now and no one is doing anything with it. It is important to stay ahead of the game and don’t let changes pass you by. It is important to understand the change when it is happening and figure out the effects.

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