Monday, September 15, 2014

Ada Friends

I have been participating in a program called Ada Friends for two years at Ohio Northern University.  The program is designed to match Ohio Northern students with a student from the Ada School District. The program is similar to a Big Brother/Big Sister mentorship.

This week I applied to be an Ada Friend big for the third time to my Ada Friend little, Zohie. When I was first matched with Zohie, she was going into sixth grade, but now she is in the eighth grade and soon to be moving on to high school. It has been wonderful to watch Zohie grow and become the person she is today.

One of the requirements to stay active in the program is to meet with the Ada Friend little once a week. Zohie enjoys all things artistic, so often times we are crafting and doing something creative. My favorite activity we did together was when we made friendship bracelets.

In addition to meeting once a week, the Ada Friends program sponsors monthly events for all bigs and littles to attend. Some of my favorite events from the past were visiting a corn maze and a pumpkin patch and our annual Christmas party.

I try to be a positive influence, mentor, confidante, tutor and friend to Zohie as much as I can be. Zohie always reassures me that our time spent together has had a positive impact on her life.

I am looking forward to another wonderful year in Ada Friends!


  1. This is something I have always wanted to participate in and become an Ada friend. Like yourself i feel that being a good role model, positive influence and someone else to talk to can help a kid in his or her development.

  2. Mariah, I am so happy to hear about your experience with Zohie in Ada Friends! I always wanted to join Ada Friends, but I didn't know how much of a time commitment it would be. After reading your blog, I felt even more inclined to look into this mentorship opportunity. I love kids and I love crafting, so what better way to make a difference in someones life and my own? I hope this final year with Zohie is amazing and filled with wonderful memories!
