Saturday, September 13, 2014

Snapchat Live Feeds

Within the past few months I noticed that Snapchat has added a new feature in the stories section of the app. Snapchat has allowed for people attending famous events to share their pictures and videos with the world. Snapchat complies all of pictures or videos sent in into one large live story for the event that anyone who has a Snapchat account can see.

Some of the events that have been featured on the live feed so far are the World Cup, Electric Zoo, Fashion Week in New York and College Game Day. When a person views the live snapchat, they get an inside look into the event almost like they are there themselves. The best part is that sometimes you get to have backstage access. For example, during Fashion Week many of the models would send in snapchats from their dressing rooms or with the designers.

A few critics think Snapchat may have an edge over Instagram because of this new feature. According to the New York Observer, Instagram tried to have a live feed of New York Fashion Week by encouraging guests to use the hashtag “nyfw.” However, Instagram’s method is less organized and is not moderated. Snapchat has full control of what ends up on the live feed.

The New York Observer also points out that Snapchat has not answered the question of ‘why they choose which events that they do.’ It also brings up the question of if organizations are paying for Snapchat to provide the live feed of the events.

Media feeds may be the new fad in all social media outlets soon. I enjoy the feeds because it gives me an inside look into an event I probably will never be able to attend. 

Read all about the article from the New York Observer here.


  1. Mariah, I was very interested to see what your opinion on Snapchat live feeds were. I know some people that thoroughly enjoy the Snapchat live feeds, while others are annoyed with it, myself being one of them. I think they are great for advertising and getting sneak peeks into special events. However, I got really annoyed at the College Football Game Day one, whenever that was posted. Maybe I was jealous seeing all those college kids tailgating and cheering in huge stadiums, but I think it gets old pretty quick. I do think that Instagram needs to watch out because these Snapchat live feeds give a sense of being exclusive from only being available for 24 hours after they post it. We will have to see if more events continue to do this!

  2. Mariah,

    I had completely overlooked the Snapchat live feeds. They are just something that is notified on my phone but never think about as being a sign of genius on the part of Snapchat!

    I do not look at all of the events the company posts but I have looked at a few and thought it was cool to see a firsthand view of events that, like you said, I probably won't ever get to see firsthand. Looking at New York Fashion week from the news is getting a little old so it is neat to look at an actual spectator's point of view. I think it is interesting that this also gives the public yet another source of personal video journalism by every day people instead of classic journalism.

  3. Mariah, I have never been an avid Snapchat user, but after reading your post I may take a second look at the app. To be honest, my friends’ faces can get pretty boring to look at, so hearing there is better content out there peaks my interest. I felt Snapchat needed to bring something new to the table sooner rather than later, so they wouldn’t end up losing interest from users. I feel this may be the perfect way for them to stay afloat as a social media platform.

  4. Kelly, Haley, and Meredith,

    Thank you all for taking interest on my blog and commenting! It was neat to read all of your opinions on this. I think you all gave an accurate representation of the mixed feelings the public is currently feeling about the Snapchat feeds. I know they can be annoying to some, but I think the overall consensus is that people are intrigued.
    Haley, you brought up the point that you had always overlooked the Snapchat feeds. Perhaps, this was a strategy of Snapchat to not seem as they were pushing a brand or event, but rather have people feel that they were part of an experience. Feeling part of the experience may create positive feelings to whatever brand or company the Snapchat live feed was featuring.
