Monday, December 8, 2014

Nonprofit Measurement

In this weeks reading of  “Measure What Matters,” Chapter 13 discusses measurement for nonprofits. 

Before reading this chapter I was intrigued because over the summer I worked for a nonprofit and it seemed as if measurement was extremely crucial, especially when engaging with donors.

The nonprofit I worked for heavily used social media, which the book describes as the most useful tool for nonprofits because of the low-cost measurement tools built into the social media sites. I did not actually have the chance of operating our social media because I was on the events side, but I did see my fellow interns work on the measurement aspects.

One of the projects the social media interns at the nonprofit was working on was establishing a benchmark, which is also Step 3 in measuring for nonprofits in the book. The nonprofit I worked at is very specialized and it is hard to figure out what the competitors are, so the interns were to identify competitors and figuring out what ways to measure the competitors to us.

I think the biggest take away from this chapter is to make sure data is available when you need it. Buding and planning without data can be very challenging, so data and analysis should constantly be collected.

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